Business Areas

Bethlahem Infotech professionals are experts in providing engineering and consulting services to our clients. Our cross-functional core competencies include: Requirements Analysis and Design Architecture, Joint Application Development / Rapid Application Development, Prototyping, Functional Design and Coding, Testing, Mainframe and Client/Server software development, and Technology Integration, Transformation and Migration. We use object-oriented design techniques and are experienced with CASE, DBMS and Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools, internet/intranet technologies, and security systems and firewalls. Our specific areas of business development are:

Our Services:

 Client Server Software Development

 Business Intelligence Dashboards and Application Development.

 Internet Related E-Commerce Development, Web Deployment and ISP services

 Systems Integration

 Database Application Development

 Education and Training

 Software Consulting

 System Transformation – Legacy to the Open systems

 Data Security products and services

 Performance Analysis, Testing and Planning

 Computer Hardware repairs, upgrades and services


Hadaf ITC

Engg Service Provider

Trinity Aero Parts

Target Line


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